"Make your own small sketchbook" by Des Silowdki-Nelson is the program for the April meeting.
March 6, 2025, 1:30-3:00pm at the Heyde Center.
After a brief business meeting and announcments by President Kathy Stockton-Behnke several members shared their most current work and activities.

Helen Buck brought a whole bunch of items she noted as Found Art Objects/Assemblage and along with the tools for those in attendance to create art. It was fun to watch the gathering of items and creative minds at work. :)

February 6, 2025, Heyde Center, 1:30-3pm
Kathy Stockton-Behnke, President, reminded members to pay dues if not done so for they were due January 31st.
Steve Cole, VAA Web Manager, made notice of the upcoming GALLERY updates and addition. See details in the EVENTS web page.
Vicki Cole, Dunn County Humane Society, looking for "art" donations for upcoming fund raiser at Mabel Tainter in Menmonie. Click here for information & donation form.
If questions contact Vicki at vcole@dunncountyhumanesociety.org
Several members participated in the "show & tell" of their current projects and accomplishments.

Ellen Nelson "got" on Volume One cover page. :)

Mindy Huntress presented and distributed information about using social media to promote one's art.
She demonstrated the steps creating a Facebook page strictly to promote one's art. Lots of discussion on some of the positives and pitfalls of social media.

December 5, 2024 VAA Holiday Party 5:00-8:00pm at the Brewing Projekt
Food provided by Silly Serrano was YUM YUM

Center pieces designed and provided by Val Naber

The funds from the Silent Auction paid for the members' food :)

Socialization was every where

November 7th, 2024 - General Meeting in conjunction with The Artists Reception at the Heyde -5:00-8:00pm
The BOD Awards (first time ever) for the art show were announced and distributed to the winners at the beginning of the meeting.
Board Award- Jean Young for Cheers to the Latter Years
Honorable Mention- Christina Chalk for Celebrating the Sun

The Art Doctor, Jeff Nelson, offered his critique for Sarah Williams, Helen Buck, June Haigh-Boley, and Val Naber plus input was offered by the other members in attendance.
A very positive learning event!

Socialization of members in attendance before and after meetings are important aspects of attending. :)

October 3, 2024 at Heyde Center for the Arts
June Haigh-Boley did a demo on the various mediums to use with paint.
September 5, 2024 at Heyde Center for the Arts
After a short business meeting conducted by Vice President, Cari Raynae Jacobson, and a few members sharing recent creations, Noriko Slowinski provided a "fun" program.
Noriko Slowinski
Showed the slides of how collagraph is made. Those in attendance attempted to make their own collagraph plates.
Photos provided by Cari Raynae Jacobson

August 1,2024, 5:30-7:30pm
After the "business" meeting conducted by Kathy,
Cari Rayne Jacobson took the stage to demonstrate her approach and method to doing a "charcoal pour" . A Fun Time. :)

Concluding the meeting with a few Show & Tell by members;

July 11, 2024, 4-8pm
4:00pm Art Swap
5:30pm- Program "The Art Doctor is in" Jeff Nelson and program on Perspective
June 6, 2024, 5-8pm
Annual Picnic Time
Gathering at the Brewing Projekt in Eau Claire
No Rain plus the food truck was there and folks enjoyed the Mexican fare.

Before/After the short business meeting and announcements by the President, KathyStockton-Behnke, lots of yak-yak among the members plus a few brews too.

May 02, 2024, 1:30-3:00pm, Heyde Center for the Arts
Kathy conducted the business portion noting locations of members exhibits and classes.

Several members did a show & tell about their recent endeavors.

Pamm Spooner's program was titled:
"Weaver of cloth creating one-of-a-kind items for your body and home".
Pamm brought samples of needles and felted pieces along with samples of her art and the process she used to create.
She demonstrated techniques and safe procedures for working with the needles.
After which those in attendance (room was at capacity) selected the various samples provided by Pamm to use their individual creative minds to create.
In September Pamm will be on Washington Island at Sievers School of Fiber Arts to celebrate her 30th year of attending classes there with a five day immersion in double-weave.
There are so many things she wants to create and she is running out of time. :)

The sharing of the art created was the conclusion of the meeting.
Fun was had with no "ouch" being heard. :)

April 4, 2024, meeting was held at the 1106 (formerly Artisan Forge).
Kathy conducted the business portion of the meeting along with reminders on the upcoming WRAP Pop Up and VAA Fall Annual Show.

Sarah Williams provided updates and vacancies for the "new" opportunity at the 1106 for members to exhibit their art over a two month period.
If interested contact Sarah at sarahj724@gmail.com

Members Show and Tell Current Projects

Drew Williams , a member of the Chippewa Valley urban sketchers group, presented a program on Urban Sketching.

March 7, 2024, meeting at the Heyde
Kathy, President, Conducted the meeting

Members Show and Tell Current Projects

Mary Hermanson talked about what she does and how she makes kaleidoscopes.
In that she discussed some of the design elements she uses in conjunction to make a kaleidoscope.
Then each person attending had the opportunity to make a simple kaleidoscope design using the paper and pencils provided.

Be sure to check out her VAA GALLERY - Click Here
NO meetings January & February 2024
December 7th, 5-8pm, Annual Holiday Party, The Brewing Projekt
A very nice evening with great food, classical music , fellowship, lovely decorations, art auction, and bubbly to boot. ;)

October 26th, 5-8pm, General meeting and the Artists & Greet at the Member Show-Heyde
Photos provided by Terry J. Ford, President

October 5th, 1:30-3:00pm, Heyde Center
Vice President, Kathy Stockton-Behnke, called the meeting to order and conducted the business session including reminders to the upcoming VAA Members Show at the Heyde and the upcoming Holiday Party on December 7th at the Brewing Projekt in Eau Claire. KP catering will provide the food. There is no cost for VAA members. Guests will be $15. The committee is looking for silent auction items.
June Boley: Shared a painting in which she incorporated modeling paste.
Randy Palmer: Shared his Best River award from the Chippewa Valley Go Paint show.
Ken Krautbauer: Shared a piece he had in the Eau Claire Library's Summer art show.
Ellen Nelson: Shared a Halloween crazy quilt pillow and a kimono-style jacket she recently made
Lillian: Shared an acrylic poured piece and several fiber art pieces made on her Inca loom.
Pam Spooner: Showed her weaving cards used for Inca weaving.
Mosaic Creation demonstration by Dwan Briski

September 7th, 1:30-3:00pm, Heyde Center
Tammy Ford, President, conducted business session along with notations concerning upcoming Annual Heyde Exhibit and various members' exhibits.

Members shared their current creations:

Gelli Plate Printing: Cari Raynae Jacobson and Tammy Ford demonstrated and many participated in getting their hands dirty … Fun Time!. :)

August 3rd, 5:30-7:30pm, Mill Ridge Condo Community Room
Tammy Ford, President, Conducted Business Session along with notations concerning upcoming Annual Heyde Exhibit and various members' exhibits.

Members "Art Share" Current Works

Mosaic Glass - Erin Hill
Discussed and Demonstrated Process along with showing current works.

July 6, 2023 at Mill Ridge Condo Community Building
Used or unwanted art supplies to share or sell plus lots of conversations among the attendees.

Tammy conducted the business session.

Members Shared Art

Jeff Nelson presented his techniques and distributed materials for Charcoal Art

Members participated in creating their Charcoal masterpieces.
A fun but dirty hands experience for those not using the provided gloves. :)

June 1, 2023, 5:30-7:00pm Annual Picnic Meeting
The June Member Picnic was held at The Brewing Projekt 1807 N Oxford Ave, Eau Claire, WI.
Tammy Ford conducted the "business" section of the meeting, honored members with recent art awards, and various announcements of upcoming events.

Many Members shared their most recent projects

Lots of time for social interactions too.

May 4, 2023, 1:30-3:00 pm
Tammy Ford, President, conducted the meeting, noting several upcoming events and recognized members who were presented with awards at the Heyde's Spring Art.

Tammy shared her latest "abstract" creation.

Other members shared their current work of arts

New Member Welcomed, Sarah Williams

VAA member Barbara Dunham conducted an interactive program on mixed media collage.
A fun and sticky time. :)

April 6, 2023, 1:30-3:00pm at the Heyde Center for the Arts
Tammy Ford, President, conducted a short business meeting.

Several members shared their "latest" creations :)

Kathy Stockton-Behnke presented "Green Arts" tips after which the attendees contributed with their indvidual efforts and suggestions.

March 02, 2023, 1:30-3:00pm at the Heyde Center for the Arts
An EXCELLENT pastel program was given by member Kay Brothel-Hostvet.
Photos by Val West Naber

December 1, 2022, 5pm-9pm, Annual Holiday Party
Fill Inn Station, Chippewa Falls
Music, Silent Auction, Dinner (Salad, Pizza, Desserts), Conversations, FUN

October 6, 2022, 1:30-3:00pm at the Heyde

Show & Tell

Dave and Lindamerry Udell presented and demonstrated "How to Properly Frame Your Art for Exhibition". A very informative session it was.

September 01, 2022, 1:30-3:00pm at the Heyde Center

Members Participated in Show & Tell of current endeavors:
Thomas Jannusch

Cari Raynae

Pam Spooner

Tammy Ford

Ruth Lundblad

Ken Krauthauer

Ruth Lundblad demonstrated Acrylic pour techniques and many of those who attended participated in doing it following the demonstration. A Fun Time for ALL.

August 4, 2022, 5-7pm at the Mill Ridge Condo Community Room
The minutes as provided by Val Naber with photo inserts by Hubert Steve Cole
President Tammy Ford called the meeting to order at 5:05, 24 people were in attendance.

Tammy Welcomed new member, Keely Hendrickson, and Guest Rhonda Bengston.
Exhibit committee, Beth Creekmore reviewed art happenings: Lucy's, AFS/VAA wall, AFS/VAA
Member exhibit (reception Sat. August 7, 12-4 with music Jam Session), and Altoona Library.
Elmaro Scheduled for July 2023.
The VAA Fall member show run concurrent with WRAP at the Heyde Center. Registrations will go
out August 20th with 10x10x10 in maximum framed art size. Show theme: "Coming together one
small piece at a time"
Tammy brought artist trading cards and encouraged all member who have not done one to please do so. She is putting together a display for the VAA Show.
CVWC still has opening in their Tara Sweeney workshop August 17-18 at Beaver Creek Reserve. Contact Lindamerry Udell with questions.
Tammy discussed the 4 day "Urban Landscape workshop in Wausau by Jacob Dhein at the D Anthony Gallery.
WRAP was discussed and people were encouraged to participate.
The volunteer work schedule was available.
Karen Clark has a mosaic class August 22-24 at the Heyde Center in Chippewa Falls. Karen also
talked about the Yellow Art Trail in Chippewa Sept 9-10 and Falling Leaves Art Trail in Augusta Oct 8-9.
The Jazz Festival is August 27 at the Brewing Project in Eau Claire.
Heyde will be offering a free journaling Class for Senior/youth. See Heyde website.
The Christmas Party will be December 1 at the Fill-in in Chippewa Falls.
We will have elections, and the traditional silent auction accepting artwork in good taste.
Show and Tell:

Randy Palmer-Plein Air painting

Tom Jannusch- purple marker drawing

Ken Krautbauer- manipulated photography

Val Naber-porcelain
Ruth Cronje and Jane Mohler gave a great demonstration on "Mark Making" with objects found
in nature. They had supplies available for members to try hands on with making marks with sticks,
sponges, leaves, bark, string, wire and other objects found in nature. You can make marks that you
could not get any other way.